lunedì 18 febbraio 2013


when God created love he didn't help most
when God created dogs He didn't help dogs
when God created plants that was average
when God created hate we had a standard utility
when God created me He created me
when God created the monkey He was asleep
when He created the giraffe He was drunk
when He created narcotics He was high
and when He created suicide He was low

when He created you lying in bed
He knew what He was doing
He was drunk and He was high
and He created the mountians and the sea and fire at the same time

He made some mistakes
but when He created you lying in bed
He came all over His Blessed Universe.

(Charles Bukowski)
e chi sennò..

Quando creò te distesa a letto
sapeva cosa stava facendo
era ubriaco e su di giri
e creò le montagne e il mare e il fuoco
allo stesso tempo
Ha fatto qualche errore
ma quando creò te distesa a letto
fece tutto il Suo Sacro Universo.

3 commenti:

  1. wow...

    che io c'ho già in giro ernesto e te non mi aiuti mica eh...

  2. quanto me piace sta streghetta ....
    ww ernesto l'ormone molesto ....yuhhhuuuu !!!

  3. Hajahaha lieta di sapere che ernesto non gira a piede libero solo da me....non sapete come sto girata!!!!!che ci son sberle che arrivano da un vento che conosco gia....
